Joan Collins on Good Morning Britain reiterates the importance of working smoke alarms. Note key messages in the video at 1:10, how the fire started at 1:50, and advice from the fire brigade at 5:05.
Category Archives: Video
Care & Dementia Show winner 2016

We’re thrilled to announce the winner from the entries received at the Care & Dementia Show. Congratulations to all those who tested their fire extinguisher knowledge and had a go at fire extinguisher hoopla. The winner of the fire safety … Continue reading
Competition winner
We’re delighted to announce that the winner from the competition we run at the Care & Dementia Show was Craig Newman, of European Healthcare Group. Craig correctly identified the missing word as: Protect. He has won a fire safety training … Continue reading
Demonstration of extinguishing agents for a liquid fire
This is a demonstration to show different types of extinguishing agent that can be used on a liquid fire. This is a category B fire, so suitable extinguishing agents are: Foam, Co2, or powder. For this demonstration, we used Co2, and … Continue reading
Runners up for Small Business of the Year
Abbot Fire Group enjoyed the Bucks Business First Buckinghamshire Business Excellence Awards 2015 held at the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury, and were delighted to be runners up in the category of Small Business of the Year. Director Nigel Walton said: … Continue reading
Growth continues with fleet expansion
Introducing the new fleetAbbot Fire Group has expanded its vehicle fleet with the acquisition of four new Mercedes Benz vito vans. The new fleet comprises vehicles for the fire alarms, fire extinguishers, nurse call systems and dry riser side of … Continue reading